SUMMARY OF: | A Performance Audit of the Department of Fish and Game, Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission |
Why DLA Performed This Audit
This audit was requested to determine whether efficiencies and cost savings could be achieved by consolidating CFEC within existing state agencies, while still meeting legislative intent for limited entry.
Report Conclusions
The audit concluded significant efficiencies could be achieved; however, efficiencies were not predicated on eliminating the agency and merging its functions with other state agencies. The audit recommends merging only the Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission’s (CFEC) administrative functions with the Department of Fish and Game. There was no compelling reason to move its other functions. Alternately, $1.2 million of annual savings could be achieved by reorganizing CFEC and maintaining its status as an independent agency.
The audit also concluded that, in general, its commissioners have not adequately managed CFEC’s daily operations. Two projects, the licensing system upgrade and the archival of agency documents, have not been prioritized or properly managed. Finishing these agency-wide projects would greatly improve workflow and allow for significant reductions in staff. Furthermore, the audit found that the agency’s workload no longer justifies full-time commissioner positions.
The audit recommends: (1) hiring an executive director to manage daily operations and facilitate an agency-wide restructure;
(2) prioritizing the completion of CFEC’s licensing system upgrade; and (3) properly managing the archival project. These three recommendations should improve operations and result in significant savings while maintaining an independent agency capable of responding to future needs.
Findings and Recommendations
- CFEC’s commission chair should hire an executive director to facilitate an agency-wide restructure to improve operational efficiency.
- CFEC’s commission chair should prioritize the licensing system upgrade to ensure it is completed in a timely manner.
- CFEC’s commission chair should ensure the archiving project meets agency needs and proceeds in a cost-effective manner.